Juvenile Probation Office


Juvenile Probation Office brochure

The Juvenile Probation Office of the Judiciary of Guam is responsible for the supervision of minors who have been charged with a crime. The supervision of these minors run from the time that the Judiciary of Guam receives a petition from the Attorney General’s Office, until the minor has completed all of his/her terms of probation, and the case is closed. These court-involved youth are monitored for behavior, educational progress, mental health, and criminality.

Each minor is assigned a Juvenile Probation Officer who monitors the minor’s compliance and progress. The Probation Officer also connects with the various service providers to ensure that the minor is receiving counseling, treatment, etc. If the minor does not comply with conditions of probation, commits another crime, or fails to abide by the judge’s orders, the minor may be detained at the Department of Youth Affairs.

A Juvenile Probation term is either 6 months or 12 months, but may be extended for the duration of the court’s jurisdiction over the minor (until 21 years of age). Minors may be court ordered to complete a variety of conditions, such as:

  • Service Learning/Community service;
  • School attendance;
  • Restitution;
  • Fines;
  • Weekly or monthly reporting;
  • House arrest/ curfew;
  • Counseling, classes, or other types of treatment;
  • Stay away orders;
  • Drug and alcohol testing;
  • Medical testing;
  • Psychological testing;
  • Psychiatric testing; and
  • Other program involvement.

The Juvenile Drug Court is a program run by the Juvenile Probation Office. Minors charged with drug offenses are assessed with the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI). If that minor is found to have a drug dependency, is of adequate intellectual ability (in order to understand the concepts covered in treatment), and is willing to participate in the program, the minor will enter the Juvenile Drug Court. The terms and conditions of Juvenile Drug Court are not much unlike those of the traditional court. However, the types of treatment and activities are geared specifically toward the minor living a drug free lifestyle.

The mission of the Juvenile Probation Office is to provide individualized supervision and case management services for court-involved youth that will provide them with an opportunity for change and growth which will ultimately enhance public safety on Guam:

  • To pursue a balanced philosophy of treatment and rehabilitation.
  • To provide guidance, structure and services needed by every minor under probation supervision.
  • To respond effectively to court-involved youth by assessing each minor as an individual with unique needs and strengths and to tailor services that best meet these needs.
  • To establish strong collaborative relationships within the community; to encourage involvement of parents and enlist support of the community.