Officers and Others Serving Process (Marshals Fees)
Title 7 Guam Code Annotated, Chapter 8, §8106, specifies that the Marshal or his or her deputies shall attend all sessions of the Supreme and Superior Courts, unless excused by a Judge or Justice and preserve order. He or she shall serve and execute process, writs and orders issued under the laws of Guam by a Court of record when so directed by the Court. The Division consists of seven (7) sections the have specific duties and responsibilities which supports the overall mission of the Guam Judiciary.
The Criminal section and Civil/Small Claims/Traffic section conducts Field Services. They execute the following field duties:
The Security Services section consists of the Security section / Erica’s House, Northern Court Satellite Security section and the Supreme Court Security section. The Security Services sections work closely with each other; Field Services provide assistance when needed. These sections execute the following related duties:
The Training and Staff Development section andthe Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)/National Crime Information Center (NCIC) section are designated to support the Marshals Division, Probation Services Division and other Federal and Local law enforcement agencies regarding training, inquiries and disposition of cases for both federal and local law enforcement agencies.