The Judiciary’s mission in the Guam Adult Reentry Court Program is to provide a comprehensive system of support on Guam for prisoners reintegrating with their families and communities after incarceration.
The Guam Adult Reentry Court Program is partially funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. It is a specialized court that is intended to help reduce recidivism rates and improve public safety through the use of judicial oversight. Modeled after therapeutic courts, the Guam Adult Reentry Court Program will provide individualized treatment and services, supervision and monitoring for medium and high risk offenders. These services will be provided to participants while still incarcerated and will continue after release until completion of the program. Participants will be required to regularly appear before the Reentry Court judge who will maintain an exclusive docket of reentry cases. In this capacity, the judge is actively engaged in overseeing the transition of the offender, ensuring compliance with the program and that their needs are addressed.
Members of the task force come from government, private and non-profit agencies such as the Department of Corrections, the Guam Chamber of Commerce, and WestCare Pacific.
More information on Adult Reentry can be found at the Justice Center.