Robert J. Torres, Jr., Associate Justice


F. Philip Carbullido, Associate Justice

The Honorable Robert J. Torres, Jr., born and raised on Guam, was sworn in as Justice of the Supreme Court of Guam in 2004. He served as Chief Justice of Guam from January 15, 2008 to January 18, 2011 and served his second term from January 21, 2014 to January 17, 2017. Justice Torres played a central role in expanding court services on Guam with the opening of the Northern Court Satellite, enabling wireless technology and videoconferencing in the courtrooms, and implementing e-filing and increased online services. A self-professed technophile, he laid the groundwork for the design and acquisition of a modern case management system and continues to oversee various technological advancements for the Judiciary of Guam.

Justice Torres is on the American Judges Association’s Executive Committee and Board of Governors, and since 2016 has been on the Social Media and Technology Committee for the American Judges Association. He has spoken at numerous conferences on “Judicial Ethics and Social Media,” and has lectured in over twenty countries on a variety of subjects including the International Framework for Court Excellence, case flow management, cultural responsiveness, court community communication, alternative dispute resolution, technology, and judicial ethics and discipline. He presently serves as the Membership Secretary for NAPABA’s Judicial Council and chairs numerous Judiciary of Guam subcommittees.

Justice Torres received his B.B.A. from the University of Notre Dame (Magna Cum Laude; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi) and J.D. from Harvard Law School. He was also awarded two Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), Honoris Causa, from the University of Cebu and Centro Escolar University in the Philippines.

He is married to the Honorable Senator Mary Camacho Torres. They have three children and 11 grandchildren.